DIY Flower Planter Ideas Using Upcycled Materials from ATGCC

Spring is in the air and that means it’s time to plant all the things! Whether you’re a gardening extraordinaire, plant enthusiast, or someone who has more of a plant graveyard, Against the Grain Creative Concepts has the materials you need to create planter boxes that will stand out from the mundane! A handmade flower planter is also a great idea for a Mother’s Day gift! There’s nothing mom loves more than a homemade gift; she still has your macaroni art from kindergarten on the fridge! Check out these DIY flower planter ideas using upcycled materials and get those creative juices going!

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Make creative planting containers out of unique, upcycled materials! We have a variety of antique, upcycled materials in the ATGCC Warehouse. Swing by today to throw your eye around- you never know when you’ll see that perfect item!

Pick up some barnwood and create An Easy DIY Wooden Planter Box with these simple, step-by-step instructions. One of our favorite characteristics of barnwood inspired projects is the quality of materials used. The materials that we source have withstood the test of time, bearing the marks and mars of usage which add to their character and speak to their quality, durability, and personality. Starting with reclaimed materials and creating something unique and awe-inspiring is what we’re all about!

Use a reclaimed door to create an accent piece to hang or attach plants to. Adding a reclaimed door to your outdoor gardening area gives you an additional blank canvas to work with and expands the room for planting activities!

At Against the Grain we are committed to locally sourcing our materials, whether that be barn-wood from one of the many Wisconsin barns we tear down, or salvaged furniture that can be re-purposed into something new. We are dedicated to serving our community and reducing our carbon footprint by sourcing materials locally and eliminating the effects that transportation produces.

Set up an appointment to visit our fully stocked, 8,000 square foot reclaimed materials warehouse today and get started on those Spring projects! 262-764-9366 |